The Winesap is another one of our latest ripening apples. One thing you might notice as you read these descriptions is that the earlier in the season apples ripen, the less they seem to keep: the later they ripen in the season, the longer they keep in cold storage. This is not true for all varieties but definitely seems to be the trend. Winesap is a great keeper.

Approximate Ripening Date: October 20th
Flavor: When first picked this apple has a tart/sweet flavor with a vinous twang. According to Rowan Jacobsen in Apples of Uncommon Character (2014) "in storage, the acidity disappears, revealing a delightful toasted-almond flavor, like marzipan." I'll be honest, we've never had any winesap apples past November to actually do the proper taste tests to see if this is true but after reading that description it's now on my apple bucket list. Winesap apples have a rock hard texture (definitely not for Frank) and a thick skin.
Baking: Great for pies, crisps and cider.
History: Winesap was discovered in New Jersey in the late 1700s. It took off in popularity in the south in the 1800s. Because of it's amazing storage qualities it was the number one grown apple in America by 1945. Once researchers learned how to control the atmosphere of apple storage which allowed all apples to resist ripening, Winesap quickly disappeared from the charts.
Other: NA
Featured Recipe
Scalloped Apples
by Karma Lapacek
6 med. apples from Lapacek's Orchard
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1 T. lemon juice
1/4 c. water
3/4 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. flour
1/3 c. butter
Preheat oven to 400-degrees. Pare, core and slice apples. Place in buttered shallow casserole dish. Combine spices, lemon juice and water. Pour over apples. Work sugar, flour and butter together until crumb-like consistency. Sprinkle over apples. Bake at 400-degrees for 30 minutes.