The Hand Crafted Hoedown for the Holiday's is back on this season! We're so excited to have it back and have a great plethora of artisans bringing their goods this season - both the regulars and some newbies! Between now and November 18th I'll be sharing some fun little mini interviews Cedi sent out so we can all get to know the artists a bit better.
Today I'm going to feature Anne Crawford, the local art teacher at Poynette Middle School who also shares her talent outside of school as a Creativity Coach!
Anne will be bringing her beautiful fine art prints, stationery, book marks and post its! And now - let's take a moment to find out a bit more about Anne!
How many Handcrafted Hoedown for the Holidays have you been a part of?
This is my first!
What is your favorite thing about this craft sale?
I love that local businesses are helping support other local businesses. It’s not a competition, and we can all be successful with the right network.
What kind of gifts do you look for when you go shopping for the holiday's?
I like to give food. Homemade breads, pies, cookies… Sometimes made by me, sometimes by other talented bakers. It’s fun to add another little treat like a coloring book with pencils, a book and bookmark, or a scratch off lottery ticket.
Please share your favorite holiday recipe:
All the Christmas cookies made by my Grandma Millie.
What's your favorite holiday movie?
Do I have to pick one?? Shop Around the Corner, Home Alone, Elf, A Christmas Story, While You Were Sleeping, Die Hard… I could go on…
Find out more info about Anne by going HERE.