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2023 September Apple Update

Writer: Kim LapacekKim Lapacek

Hello everyone! It's hard to believe we're already into September with two weeks of apple season gone by.

We've had a lot of questions about how the orchard faired over the year. I want to assure you that our apple crop is looking excellent. We are blessed to have a high pressure irrigation well on our property and we were able to irrigate our apple trees every day this summer to keep them growing. Keep an eye on the homepage "pop-up" on our website to see what varieties are currently available and if any of them are starting to run low. I also do a live facebook update on the mornings we're open to share what varieties you can expect in the shop as well as other random updates.

There are TONS of apples still on our trees! We don't grow many varieties of August apples so there still is about 90% of our crop left to pick. A picture of our orchard now and and a picture at the end of next month would definitely show some big changes.

All of our fingers and toes are crossed that Hwy 60 is opened up completely ASAP! We thought it would be last Friday but as many noticed this weekend it's still not open. You can however still cross Hwy 60.

A big thank you to all the folks who have already visited us this year. It's been a fantastic start of the season and we're looking forward to the next few months!




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Tel: (608) 635-4780

©2019 Kim Lapacek. Illustrations by Olga from the Noun Project.

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