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Apple Varieties

*heirloom variety


Sept 1

Classic all-around favorite. Mildly tart with a soft texture when cooked. Gives applesauce a spicy kick. Bakes up juicy and tender. Fameuse x Detrait Red cross. Ontario, Canada 1798. Farmer Frank's Favorite!


Sept 5

Crisp and juicy with yellowish white flesh and an aromatic, "appley" flavor. Great for eating and cooking. New York, 1862.


Sept 10

The Arlet is also known as the Swiss Gourmet and is a medium-large apple, with a classic shape: a bit conical and ribbed. The Arlet's fine-grained creamy-white flesh is juicy and firm with a nice crunch that tends to melt away in your mouth. The Arlet has a sweetness that almost masks the complex flavor of a hit of berries, melon, and sugar cane. It has some tartness that rescues it from sugary banality. This is a modern apple for modern tastes.


Sept 10

Flesh is crisp, yellowish, moderately fine-grained. Fresh cider flavor. Very good quality cooking, eating, and baking apple. Keeps well. Open pollinated seedling of Vandevere found in Pennsylvania about 1837.

Crimson Crisp

Sept 13

Very firm, crisp texture with a tart, rich flavor. Purdue Research Foundation 2006.


Sept 15

Crisp,‎ juicy flesh on the coarser side of fine-grained. Very similar flavor to the Golden Delicious - sweet, mild, and rich. Often referred to as the 'Improved Golden Delicious.'


Sept 17

A Crispin/Mutsu, Golden Delicious type apple with good flavor. One of our new varieties that is quickly becoming a customer favorite. Golden Delicious x Indo; Japan.


Sept 3

Big, with dark stripes, perfumed, slightly acid, very good flavor. Keeps shape in cooking. Pure white flesh stays white after cutting. Stores well. McIntosh x Ben Davis; Geneva, New York 1915.

Golden Supreme

Sept 6

Crisp, aromatic, and sweet with a light yellowish flesh. It tastes somewhat of honey and is good for making applesauce!

Cox Orange Pippin

Sept 10

This apple, unsurpassed for its rich, complex flavor, arose in England in the 19th century as a chance seedling. It has a relatively pronounced and complex "aromatic" flavor which elevates it above most other varieties, and a strikingly attractive orange-red coloring. When shaken, the seeds make a rattling sound as they are only loosely held in the apple flesh, whereas other apples have their seeds contained as part of the apple flesh.


Sept 12

Hard and crisp with a complex tart flavor. Good for fresh eating and cooking. Especially good pie apple. Released by University of Minnesota in 1922.

Crimson Gold

Sept 15

Great‎ fresh eating apple. Best for baking. Keeps it's shape when cooked. Superior dessert and cider apple. Robust and bright flavors. Cross between two heirlooms Yellow Newtown Apple and an Esopus Spitzenburg.


Sept 15

Pure white juicy, crisp flesh. Has an excellent aromatic, vinous flavor. Great for cooking and eating. McIntosh x Newton Pippin; Developed at the British Columbia Station. Introduced 1936.

Wolf River

Sept 18

An old variety that originated near the Wolf River in Wisconsin at about the close of the Civil War. Best know for its LARGE size. Primarily used as a cooking apple. Probable seedling of Alexander; Wisconsin, 1875.


Sept 3

Crisp, juicy, excellent flavor. Short season, not a keeper. Honeygold x Sunrise; Agriculture Canada, Summerland, BC **Kim's Favorite!**


Sept 9

Explosively crisp and juicy with pure good taste—aromatic, clean, and sweet-tart. Flesh is slow to brown. Honeygold x Macoun cross released by University of Minnesota in 1991.


Sept 10

The Frostbite™ Apple packs a punch. It's almost tangy, very sweet, and juicy. Biting into this apple is almost like biting into a piece of sugarcane. Savoring its juice tastes almost like molasses melting in your mouth. By its late harvest season, Frostbite™ fruit is only about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Its firm and juicy, cream colored flesh, delivers small, intensely sweet bites. It's great for making cider. Keep for 3 to 4 months refrigerated.

Rebella, aka "Bella"

Sept 12

This‎ large, elongated red apple has a pleasing combination of sweet and tart flavors. It ripens in late September and is resistant to scab, mildew, fire blight, cedar apple rust, and red mite.


Sept 15

Excellent dessert apple. Flesh is white, firm, and very high quality. Crisp texture and well-balanced flavor. A roadside favorite. McIntosh x Jersey Black cross developed at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva and introduced in 1932. **Diane's FAVORITE apple!**


Sept 16

Literally JUMBO! Weighs up to 2½ pounds! Get your pie crust ready—just one of these giants makes a heavenly pie.

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©2019 Kim Lapacek. Illustrations by Olga from the Noun Project.

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